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An explosive new thriller from bestselling author Joanne Harris, her first standalone for over a decade - a bold and timely novel  that explores how women can feel invisible as they grow older - and what happens when they decide to take back control...


Have you ever felt invisible?

Bernie Moon has given her life to other people: her husband, her son, her friends (who are these days, mostly online). At nineteen she was full of dreams and ambitions; now almost fifty, and going through the menopause, she's fading, fast. Heartbroken and hormonal, she often feels like she's losing her mind.

But when a young woman is murdered in a local park, it sparks a series of childhood memories in Bernie and with them, a talent that has lain dormant most of her adult life.

She promised herself she'd never think of it again. When she was a teenager, it almost destroyed her. But now she's older, could it be the power she's been missing?

Could it be the chance to, finally, make them look?

Повече информация
Автор Joanne Harris
Страници 432
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2024
Дата на получаване 27.06.2024 г.
Издателство Orion
ID на книга 21321084
ISBN 9781398710849
Категории Трилъри и криминални романи
Книги на английски език
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