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The path to justice can be paved with lies...

Defense attorney Mickey Haller is back, taking the long shot cases, where the chances of winning are one in a million. After getting a wrongfully convicted man out of prison, he is inundated with pleas from incarcerated people claiming innocence. He enlists his half brother, retired LAPD Detective Harry Bosch, to weed through the letters, knowing most claims will be false.

Bosch pulls a needle from the haystack: a woman in prison for killing her husband, a sheriff’s deputy, but who still maintains her innocence. Bosch reviews the case and sees elements that don’t add up, and a sheriff’s department intent on bringing quick justice in the killing of one of its own.

Now Haller has an uphill battle in court, a David fighting Goliaths to vindicate his client. The path for both lawyer and investigator is fraught with danger from those who don’t want the case reopened and will stop at nothing to keep the Haller-Bosch dream team from finding the truth.

*  *  *

'Connelly at his glittering best: full of twists and insights, it grips like a hungry python' –Daily Mail

'The perfect combination of courtroom drama and police procedural - Connelly's latest masterpiece shows why he's the crime writer all his rivals look up to' –Sunday Express

Повече информация
Автор Michael Connelly
Страници 480
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2024
Дата на получаване 27.06.2024 г.
Издателство Orion
ID на книга 21327189
ISBN 9781398718982
Категории Трилъри и криминални романи
Книги на английски език
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Книги на английски език – бестселъри 2024
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