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It starts with a magician and a murder in a Brighton boarding house; throw in a show on Brighton pier, a sinister radio personality and a potential serial killer, and you've got the next gripping book in the Brighton Mysteries series.

Magician Max Mephisto is hailed by a voice from the past, fellow performer Ted English, aka the Great Deceiver. Ted's assistant, Cherry, has been found dead in her Brighton boarding house and Ted is convinced that he'll be accused of her murder.

Max agrees to talk to his friend, Superintendent Edgar Stephens, who is investigating the case. What Max doesn't know is that the girl's family have hired private detective duo Emma Holmes (Edgar's wife) and Sam Collins to do some digging of their own.

When a second magician's assistant is killed, Edgar persuades Max to perform one last time - with a female assistant as decoy. But who will he choose for the role.

*  *  *

'Full of period charm and fiendish plotting' –Mail on Sunday

'Riveting' –Sunday Post

'Gripping . . . magical . . . we loved it' –Woman's Weekly

'An engaging cosy mystery - with added bite' –Crime Monthly

'Intriguing, multi-layered and full of rich period detail'Lancashire Evening Press

Повече информация
Автор Elly Griffiths
Страници 352
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2024
Дата на получаване 27.06.2024 г.
Издателство Quercus
ID на книга 27820992
ISBN 9781529409925
Категории Трилъри и криминални романи
Книги на английски език
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