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The Exchange is John Grisham's epic follow-up to his phenomenal global bestseller The Firm, the novel that launched his career as the world's favourite storyteller - it will take you on a rollercoaster journey across the globe, from New York to London, and Rome to Marrakech.

Ten days to save a life. One second to end it.

Mitch McDeere has cheated death and come out the other side. Fifteen years ago, he stole $10 million from the mob and disappeared. Now, with his enemies jailed or dead, he has fought his way to the top of the biggest law firm in the world.

When a new case takes Mitch to Libya, danger awaits: he's soon in the biggest hostage negotiation in recent history with terrorists who have murdered and will murder again. Their demand is staggering: a ransom of $100 million must be paid within 10 days.

But this isn't a random kidnapping - it's personal. And no one, not even Mitch's wife in New York, is safe.

With the clock ticking, can Mitch stay one step ahead of his enemies?

This time, there's nowhere to hide.

*  *  *

'The most eagerly-awaited sequel of the decade' –Daily Express


Повече информация
Автор Джон Гришам
Страници 368
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2024
Дата на получаване 27.06.2024 г.
Издателство Hodder & Stoughton
ID на книга 29822486
ISBN 9781399724869
Категории Трилъри и криминални романи
Книги на английски език
Нови книги
Книги на английски език – бестселъри 2024
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  • София / Книгомания / бул. Васил Левски 28
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  • София / Greenwich Book Center, бул. Витоша 37
  • София / Ciela - Книгомания, Mall of Sofia, бул. Ал. Стамболийски 101
  • София / Ciela - Книгомания / Mall Paradise, бул. Черни връх 100
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