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Before Xaden Riorson, there was Josh Walker: a deeply emotional and angsty new adult romance from the bestselling author of Fourth Wing.

Three knocks can change everything.

Twenty years as an army brat and Ember Howard knew . . . the soldiers at the door meant her dad was never coming home. What she didn't know was how she would find the strength to care for her crumbling family while her mum fell apart.

Then, hockey star Josh Walker enters her life.
He has a way of erasing the pain with a single look, a single touch. As much as she wants to turn off her feelings and endure the heartache on her own, she can't deny their intense attraction.

But when Josh's secret shatters their world, Ember must decide if he's worth the risk that comes with loving a man who could strip her bare.

Повече информация
Автор Ребека Ярос
Страници 352
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2024
Дата на получаване 27.06.2024 г.
Издателство Piatkus
ID на книга 29324251
Поредица Flight & Glory
ISBN 9780349442518
Категории Любовни романи
Книги на български език
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