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This paperback reissue of a classic not only examines King's Birmingham campaign for civil rights, but the history of the struggle and the tasks that await future generations fighting for equality. New Afterword by Rev. Jesse Jackson.
The Civil Rights leader's classic and eloquent appeal to conscience-in an inspiring new package The 1963 campaign launched by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Civil Rights movement on the segregated streets of Birmingham, Alabama, demonstrated to the world the power of nonviolent direct action.

In this remarkable book, Dr. King offers an eloquent and penetrating analysis of the events and pressures that propelled the Civil Rights movement from lunch counter sit-ins and prayer marches to the forefront of American consciousness.

Повече информация
Автор Martin Luther Jr. King
Страници 166
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2000
Дата на получаване 23.05.2014 г.
Издателство SIGNET BOOK
ID на книга 50372753
ISBN 9780451527530
Категории Нова история
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