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A hugely commercial, fabulously addictive fantastical romp - from an author with top-notch digital self-publishing pedigree and legions of fans awaiting publication
Action-packed fantasy romance with a heroine as deadly as she is beautiful, in a world where either fact could make her fortune or seal her fate. Celaena Sardothien is a daredevil assassin with unrivalled fighting skills. After a year's hard labour in the salt mines of the kingdom of Endovier, Celaena is offered her freedom on one condition - she must fight as handsome Prince Dorian's champion in a contest sponsored by the king, facing the deadliest thieves and assassins in the land in a series of set-piece battles in the country's stunning glass palace. But there is more at stake than even her life - for Celaena is destined for a remarkable future ...

Повече информация
Автор Sarah J. Maas
Страници 432
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2012
Дата на получаване 4.10.2012 г.
Издателство BLOOMSBURY
ID на книга 24553233
Поредица Throne of Glass
ISBN 9781408832332
Категории Книги на английски език
Нови книги
Young Adults English titles
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