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Takes a skewed look at the purpose and function of 'a book'. This title asks readers to creatively examine all the different ways.
Particular Books are very excited to welcome the creative talents of best-selling author Keri Smith. Her books are huge word-of-mouth hits in the US: where four years after publication, Keri's first book Wreck This Journal continues to sell a thousand copies a week... This is Not a Book takes a uniquely skewed look at the purpose and function of 'a book', Keri Smith asks readers to creatively examine all the different ways. This Is Not a Book can be used.

With intriguing prompts, readers will discover that this book can be: A secret message - tear out a page, write a note on it for a stranger, and leave it in a public place. A recording device - have everyone you contact today write their name in the book. An instrument - create as many sounds as you can using the book, like flipping the pages fast or slapping the cover. This Is Not a Book will engage readers by having them define everything a book can be by asking, 'If it's not a book, what is it then?' - with a kaleidoscope of possible answers.

Повече информация
Автор Keri Smith
Страници 224
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2011
Дата на получаване 3.06.2013 г.
ID на книга 20304444
ISBN 9781846144448
Категории Хоби и забавления
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