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Stunningly acute in its perceptions, excruciating in its psychological suspense, Thirst for Love is a triumph of eroticism, terror, and compassion.

After the early death of her philandering husband, Etsuko moves into her father-in-law's house, where she numbly submits to the old man's advances. But soon she finds herself in love with the young servant Saburo. Tormented by his indifference, yet invigorated by her desire, she makes her move, with catastrophic consequences.

In Thirst for Love, Japan's greatest modern writer created a portrait of sexual torment and corrosive jealousy that is as delicately nuanced as Madame Bovary and as remorseless as Justine.

Повече информация
Автор Yukio Mishima
Страници 201
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2009
Дата на получаване 22.11.2023 г.
Издателство Vintage
ID на книга 56624254
ISBN 9781784874254
Категории Книги на английски език
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