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Instructs readers to collect a spectrum of quirky items: something that is miniature, a stain that is green, something from the year you were born, a used envelope, and more.
Welcome to the highly inspirational world of Keri Smith. Within the pages of The Pocket Scavenger , readers will be instructed to collect a spectrum of quirky items: something that is miniature, a stain that is green, something from the year you were born, a used envelope, and more. Then, once their quarry is in hand, they'll apply an alteration dictated solely by chance: create a funny character, conceal it, add polkadots, remove a section, add stripes, scribble on top, duplicate it (make a copy), fold, cut into pieces & rearrange, turn into an article of clothing, trace it/use the shape as basis for a new drawing, make it 'pretty', and so on.

It's funny, moving, silly and serious. The way you look at things will never be the same again. Keri Smith is an author/illustrator turned guerilla artist. She has several bestselling books, including the phenomenonal Wreck This Journal , This is Not a Book , How To Be An Explorer of the World , Mess and Finish this Book , all published by Particular Books.

Повече информация
Автор Keri Smith
Страници 208
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2013
Дата на получаване 3.06.2013 г.
ID на книга 20304709
ISBN 9781846147098
Категории Хоби и забавления
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  • София / Книгомания / бул. Васил Левски 28
  • София / Книгомания / бул. Прага 17
  • София / Ciela - Книгомания, Mall of Sofia, бул. Ал. Стамболийски 101
  • София / Ciela - Книгомания / Mall Paradise, бул. Черни връх 100

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