In the remote Kingdom of Castalia, the scholars of the Twenty Third century play the Glass Bead Game.
The elaborately coded game is a fusion of all human knowledge - of maths, music, philosophy, science, and art. Intrigued as a school boy, Joseph Knecht becomes consumed with mastering the game as an adult.
As Knecht fulfils his life-long quest he must contend with unexpected dilemmas and the longing for a life beyond the ivory tower.
Автор | Hermann Hesse |
Страници | 544 |
Корица | мека |
Език | английски |
Година | 2000 |
Дата на получаване | 27.04.2024 г. |
Издателство | Vintage |
ID на книга | 56627155 |
ISBN | 9781784871550 |
Категории | Световна класика Книги на английски език |
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