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'He is the greatest German writer of our time. Such poets as Rilke or such novelists as Thomas Mann are dwarfs or plaster saints in comparison to him'
Vladimir Nabokov

The story of K. and his arrival in a village where he is never accepted, and his relentless, unavailing struggle with authority in order to gain entrance to the castle that seems to rule it. K.'s isolation and perplexity, his begging for the approval of elusive and anonymous powers, epitomises Kafka's vision of twentieth-century alienation and anxiety.

Kafka began The Castle in 1922 and it was never finished, yet this, the last of his three great novels, draws fascinating conclusions that make it feel strangely complete.

Повече информация
Автор Franz Kafka
Страници 304
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2018
Дата на получаване 2.12.2023 г.
Издателство Vintage
ID на книга 56627654
ISBN 9781784876548
Категории Световна класика
Книги на английски език
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