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Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the World’s finest literature.
Sons and Lovers 
is a 1913 novel by the English writer D. H. Lawrence. It traces emotional conflicts through the protagonist, Paul Morel, and his suffocating relationships with a demanding mother and two very different lovers. 

The novel revolves around Paul Morel, a sensitive young artist whose love for his mother, Gertrude, overshadows his romances with two women: Miriam, his repressed, religious girlfriend, and Clara, an experienced, independent married woman. Unable to watch his mother die slowly of cancer, Paul kills her with morphine. Despite losing her and rejecting both Miriam and Clara, Paul harbours hope for the future.

Your favorite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile layers, fine details and beautiful colors of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf. 

Повече информация
Автор D. H. Lawrence
Страници 400
Корица твърда
Език английски
Година 2024
Дата на получаване 19.04.2024 г.
Издателство Chiltern Publishing
ID на книга 56620216
Поредица Chiltern Classic
ISBN 9781914602160
Категории Световна класика
Книги на английски език
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  • София / Книгомания / бул. Васил Левски 28
  • София / Книгомания / бул. Прага 17
  • София / Ciela - Книгомания, Mall of Sofia, бул. Ал. Стамболийски 101
  • София / Ciela - Книгомания / Mall Paradise, бул. Черни връх 100

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