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A lively and practical guide to selling anything

Ryan Serhant was a shy, jobless hand model when he entered the real estate business in September 2008. Just nine years later, he has emerged as one of the top salespeople in the world and a co-star on Bravo's hit series Million Dollar Listing New York, as well as the star of Sell It Like Serhant. He has become an authority on the art of selling. Whether you are selling a property or a hot tub, golf balls or life insurance, Serhant shares the secrets behind how to close more deals than anyone else, expand your business, and keep clients coming back to you for more.

Sell It Like Serhant is the blueprint for how to go from sales scrub to sales machine. Serhant provides useful lessons, lively stories, and examples that illustrate how anyone can employ his principles to increase profits and achieve success. Your measure of a good day will no longer depend on one deal or one client. A good salesperson never closes a deal and wonders, "What now?" The next deal is already happening. Serhant shares practical guidance on how to juggle multiple deals at once and close all of them EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

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'Whether you're in real estate or an author, you have to know how to sell yourself and your work. Because if you don't, you can't eat. This book from one of America's hardest hustling salesmen is a crash course into becoming great at it' –Ryan Holiday, bestselling author of The Obstacle Is the Way and Ego Is the Enemy

Повече информация
Автор Ryan Serhant
Страници 240
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2018
Дата на получаване 27.04.2024 г.
Издателство John Murray Publishers Ltd
ID на книга 56699584
ISBN 9781473695849
Категории Маркетинг и мениджмънт
Книги на английски език
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