SCRATCH AND DRAW: Space- Scratch Art Activity Book
Create AMAZING rainbow and foil art with Scratch and Draw!
Includes step-by-step instructions to learn how to draw amazing pictures of Farm Animals Rainbow colours and foil patterns hide beneath the black coating - use the wooden stylus to cleverly reveal them with a simple scratch! Finish the brilliant scratch art themed adventure story included. Easy to use, amazing results!
Creative art activity fun for children age 5 and up.
Корица | твърда |
Език | английски |
Дата на получаване | 3.12.2022 г. |
Издателство | Imagine That Publishing |
ID на книга | 56655233 |
ISBN | 9781801052337 |
Категории | Илюстровани издания Промоция на книги на английски език |
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- София / Greenwich Book Center, бул. Витоша 37
- София / Ciela - Книгомания, Mall of Sofia, бул. Ал. Стамболийски 101
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- Пловдив / Хобит – ул. 11 август № 3