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Explosive, controversial and searingly honest, this will be the last word from an era-defining player.
Steven Gerrard is the former captain of Liverpool football team and of the England national football team, and is the only player ever to have scored in a FA cup final, a league cup final, a UEFA cup final and a champion's league final. His entire career, since 1998, has been spent at Anfield with Liverpool. In this book he charts his full playing career, shedding light on the defining games, his life off the pitch as well as the players and managers he's encountered. Explosive, controversial and searingly honest, this will be the last word from an era-defining player.

Повече информация
Автор Steven Gerrard
Страници 496
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2016
Дата на получаване 1.05.2016 г.
ID на книга 20322441
ISBN 9781405924412
Категории Биографии
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