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A first title in the ambitious new series that identifies and examines the innovative materials that are transforming art, design, and technology practice
Materials technology is the single most important agent of change in our entire designed landscape, from the buildings in which we live and work to the clothes we wear. This volume on architecture features carefully selected buildings that showcase the innovative use of a particular material. The book focuses on specific categories of materials and features an extensive range of projects, from the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision to the Ordos Art and City Museum in Mongolia. The materials employed in each project are cross referenced to an extensive illustrated directory featured in the book, and the texts are authoritative yet accessible. Clearly structured and illustrated with carefully selected images throughout, this book will connect material to reader and will inspire both students and professionals to pursue the optimal material for each specific application.

Повече информация
Автор Andrew H. Dent, Leslie Sherr
Страници 224
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2014
Дата на получаване 11.05.2014 г.
Издателство THAMES AND HUDSON Ltd.
ID на книга 21519128
ISBN 9780500291283
Категории Архитектура
Книги на английски език
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