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This perfect beginner's introduction to numerology includes charts to help you decipher your key numbers and become more self-aware of your special talents and challenges, as well as techniques and exercises to help you understand and improve relationships, set career or life goals and make better decisions.

Have you ever found yourself noticing the same number cropping up on a calendar, your watch or a passing bus? Or wonder why you so keep bumping into the people born in the same day of the month? The answers you seek lie in numerology.

This little book offers the basics to discover your individual life path number and the meanings attributed to those numbers. As numerology is concerned with self-discovery, it's become popular as a personal development tool. Every name, date and numerical pattern in your life holds meaning and qualities and can help you gain insight into yourself, your relationships and your fate.

Повече информация
Автор Orange Hippo
Страници 192
Корица твърда
Език английски
Година 2023
Дата на получаване 13.01.2024 г.
Издателство Welbeck Publishing Group
ID на книга 20769198
ISBN 9781800691988
Категории Книги на английски език
Астрология и хороскопи
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