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INCREDIBLE HULK, Vol. 1: Age of Monsters

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A new age of monsters!
Collecting INCREDIBLE HULK (2023) #1-5 and HULK ANNUAL (2023) #1.

As an enraged Hulk tries to take permanent control of the body he shares with Bruce Banner, a mysterious immortal turns every monster on Earth against him in an attempt to free their creator, the primordial Mother of Horrors! With the help of an unlikely new friend, Banner must stop the world from being plunged into darkness – and his journeys take him from an abandoned coal-mining town that gives terrifying new meaning to the term “ghost town” to swamplands where a sultry seductress lures unsuspecting victims into her trap! What is her connection to Marvel’s macabre muck-monster – and will the Hulk burn at the Man-Thing’s touch?!
Plus: A documentary crew on the Hulk’s trail gets too close to the action! 

Повече информация
Автор Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Nic Klein
Страници 168
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2024
Дата на получаване 23.02.2024 г.
Издателство Marvel Comics
ID на книга 50724161
ISBN 9781302954161
Категории Marvel
Книги на английски език
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  • София / Книгомания / бул. Васил Левски 28
  • София / Книгомания / The Mall, бул. Цариградско шосе 115
  • София / Ciela - Книгомания / Mall Paradise, бул. Черни връх 100
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