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I LOVE HIM, BUT... (M.Jones), “Workman“, PB

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It’s like gossip—what woman wouldn’t want to share all those little...
It’s like gossip—what woman wouldn’t want to share all those little unexpected and invariably hilarious things men do that drive them crazy Here, from hundreds of women (first names only, please), comes one juicy detail after the next, and it’s far beyond who left the toilet seat up: “He used coupons to pay for our anniversary dinner.” —Dolly, New York, NY “Every night, settling in, he grunts. I lie there waiting for him to quiet down. He sighs a long sigh and groans the same words every single night: ‘Oh, bed, bed, bed, bed, bed. Oh, bed, bed, bed, bed, bed. Oh, bed, bed, bed . . .’”—Ellen, Cleveland, OH Now, reissued with a fresh new cover that will heighten its appeal as the perfect impulse gift for any woman with a man in her life.

Повече информация
Автор M.Jones
Страници 400
Език английски
Година 2005
Дата на получаване 5.07.2006 г.
Издателство Workman
ID на книга 25060102
ISBN 9780761141075
Категории Популярна и приложна психология
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