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HOW TO BE INTERESTING: An Instruction Manual

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In November 2011, the author created an illustrated column for Forbes.com called How to Be Interesting (in 10 Simple Steps) . That single page of insight and advice went viral. This title expands into a colourful illustrated book of inspiration.
You want to leave a mark, not a blemish. Be a hero, not a spectator. You want to be interesting. (Who doesn t?) But sometimes it takes a nudge, a wake-up call, an intervention! and a little help. This is where Jessica Hagy comes in. A writer and illustrator of great economy, charm, and insight, she s created How to Be Interesting, a uniquely inspirational how-to that combines fresh and pithy lessons with deceptively simple diagrams and charts.

Ms. Hagy started on Forbes.com, where she s a weekly blogger, by creating a How to Be Interesting post that went viral, attracting 1.4 million viewers so far, with tens of thousands of them liking, linking, and tweeting the article. Now she s deeply explored the ideas that resonated with so many readers to create this small and quirky book with a large and universal message. It s a book about exploring: Talk to strangers. About taking chances: Expose yourself to ridicule, to risk, to wild ideas. About being childlike, not childish: Remember how amazing the world was before you learned to be cynical. About being open: Never take in the welcome mat. About breaking routine: Take daily vaca- tions . . . if only for a few minutes. About taking ownership: Whatever you re doing, enjoy it, embrace it, master it as well as you can. And about growing a pair: If you re not courageous, you re going to be hanging around the water cooler, talking about the guy that actually is.

Повече информация
Автор Jessica Hagy
Страници 256
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2013
Дата на получаване 4.07.2013 г.
Издателство Workman
ID на книга 25007470
ISBN 9780761174707
Категории Хоби и забавления
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