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The autobiographical Ham on Rye is widely considered his finest novel. A classic of American literature, it offers powerful insight into his youth through the prism of his alter-ego Henry Chinaski, who grew up to be the legendary Hank Chinaski of Post Office and Factotum.


'He brought everyone down to earth, even the angels' LEONARD COHEN

Charles Bukowski is one of the greatest authors of the twentieth-century. At the forefront of American counter-culture, his Beat Generation writing is widely celebrated alongside authors such as Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Richard Brautigan and William S. Burroughs. The autobiographical Ham on Rye is widely considered his finest novel. A classic of American literature, it offers powerful insight into his youth through the prism of his alter-ego Henry Chinaski, who grew up to be the legendary Hank Chinaski of Post Office and Factotum.

Повече информация
Автор Charles Bukowski
Страници 368
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2015
Дата на получаване 21.10.2017 г.
Издателство Canongate
ID на книга 20621666
ISBN 9781782116660
Категории Други
Промоция на книги на английски език
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