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BENDING ADVERSITY: Japan and the Art of Survival

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Focuses on how modern Japan works. This book presents an analysis of a group of islands which have shown great resilience, both in the face of financial distress and when confronted with the overwhelming disaster of the 2011 earthquake and resulting tsunami.
This is a both definitive and highly enjoyable book on how modern Japan works, from Asia expert David Pilling. Despite years of stagnation, Japan remains one of the world's largest economies and a country which exerts a remarkable cultural fascination. David Pilling's new book is an entertaining, deeply knowledgeable and surprising analysis of a group of islands which have shown great resilience, both in the face of financial distress and when confronted with the overwhelming disaster of the 2011 earthquake and resulting tsunami. Bending Adversity is a superb work of reportage and the essential book even for those who already feel they know the country well.

Повече информация
Автор David Pilling
Страници 432
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2014
Дата на получаване 14.09.2014 г.
ID на книга 20375767
ISBN 9780241957677
Категории Нова история
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