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Unique, bizarre, and often controversial, Andy Warhol in life and in death bridged the gap between high art and the ordinary, creating works that explored almost every artistic genre. From screenprinting and 'supermarket' art to oil paintings and photography, Warhol rocked the established art world, perhaps more so than any of his contemporaries.

Unique, bizarre, and often controversial, Andy Warhol in life and in death bridged the gap between high art and the ordinary, creating works that explored almost every artistic genre. From screenprinting and 'supermarket' art to oil paintings and photography, Warhol rocked the established art world, perhaps more so than any of his contemporaries.

During the 1960s inside a studio in New York known as The Factory the birth of Pop Art took place at the hands of Andy Warhol, 'the Pied Piper' of New York's underground. His representations of Campbell's Soup cans, dollar bills, Brillo boxes, Marilyn Monroe and car crashes, epitomized the American popular culture of his age and constituted one of the most significant revolutions in the art world.

Повече информация
Автор Wayne Koestenbaum
Страници 206
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2003
Дата на получаване 3.07.2016 г.
Издателство Phoenix
ID на книга 56624859
ISBN 9781407248592
Категории Биографии
Книги на английски език
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