Enter the topsy-turvy world of Wonderland, where fantasy reigns and the rules of reality disappear. Artist Manuela Adreani offers a breathtaking interpretation of Lewis Carroll's remarkable story, capturing all its magical chaos and bringing to life the eternally fascinating Alic...
Enter the topsy-turvy world of Wonderland, where fantasy reigns and the rules of reality disappear. Artist Manuela Adreani offers a breathtaking interpretation of Lewis Carroll's remarkable story, capturing all its magical chaos and bringing to life the eternally fascinating Alice, as well as the White Rabbit, Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat, Queen of Hearts, and others who populate Carroll's strange and unique universe.
Автор | Lewis Carroll |
Страници | 80 |
Корица | твърда |
Език | английски |
Година | 2014 |
Дата на получаване | 16.04.2014 г. |
Издателство | White Star Publishers |
ID на книга | 26150820 |
ISBN | 9788854408203 |
Категории | Световна класика за деца |
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