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Be More Captain America

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12,90 лв.
15,90 лв.

Lessons in leadership

Unleash your inner Avenger and make the world a better place!Packed with iconic movie scenes, inspiring quotes, and helpful lifestyle tips from across nearly a decade of Marvel Studios films, Be More Captain America is the perfect gift for friends, family, and colleagues who need guidance on how to take charge, better themselves, and lead by example!

Captain America is a strong and noble leader, an inspiration for others with his bravery, honor, and unrivaled sense of justice. Join the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most famous Super Soldier as he and the Avengers face adversity and encourage those around them to live up to their full potential. When it comes to integrity, principles, and leadership, no other hero comes close to Cap!

Повече информация
Страници 64
Корица твърда
Език английски
Година 2021
Дата на получаване 9.01.2025 г.
Издателство Dorling Kindersley
ID на книга 20911627
ISBN 9780241516270
Категории Кино, филми, театър
Книги на английски език
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