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Marvel Year by Year

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68,00 лв.
88,00 лв.

A new edition of the most comprehensive history of Marvel Comics ever published

Deep dive into the full story of Marvel Comics in a single, beautifully illustrated volume.

Created in full collaboration with Marvel, this fan-favorite title, last published in 2017, now covers more than 80 years of Marvel history, from the company's first incarnation as Timely Comics to the multimedia giant it is today.

Packed with artwork from the original comics, this chronological account traces the careers of Marvel Super Heroes such as The Avengers, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Iron Man, Black Widow, and Guardians of the Galaxy, and the writers and artists that developed them. It also charts the real-life events that shaped the times and details Marvel landmarks in publishing, movies, and TV.

Повече информация
Автор Kristin Baver, Pablo Hidalgo, Daniel Wallace, Ryder Windham
Страници 400
Корица твърда
Език английски
Година 2022
Дата на получаване 9.01.2025 г.
Издателство Dorling Kindersley
ID на книга 20924463
ISBN 9780241544631
Категории Marvel
Книги на английски език
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