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Be More Boba Fett

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Always get the job done

Throw aside the 9-to-5 and discover the joys of going freelance!

In a big wide galaxy you'll find every personality type. There are those who want to work for a large, stable employer like the Imperial Navy, pushing buttons on a space cruiser. There are also those who are content living the simple (but dull) life of a merchant or moisture farmer. And then there are those special few who long for the freelance life.

If you aren't afraid of grueling (and sometimes frowned upon) work, traveling to exotic locations, and being your own boss, you may find guidance in the wise words of those who have been there. Be More Boba Fett will help guide you on your path to the independent life of a successful entrepreneur.

Повече информация
Автор Joseph Jay Franco
Страници 72
Корица твърда
Език английски
Година 2021
Дата на получаване 9.01.2025 г.
Издателство Dorling Kindersley
ID на книга 20914182
Поредица STAR WARS
ISBN 9780241541821
Категории Кино, филми, театър
Книги на английски език
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