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Star Trek: The Next Generation Nerd Search

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Do you possess Data-like recall of everything Star Trek: The Next Generation?
Put that knowledge to the test with The Next Generation Nerd Search Book.

The next generation of Star Trek Nerd Search books is here, literally. Star Trek Nerd Search: The Next Generation follows the TOS-centric “Quibbles with Tribbles” and it challenges TNG fans to find the made-on-purpose mistakes across its 44 pages. Think of it as a next-level “Where’s Waldo” for all the diehard Star Trek fans throughout the galaxy.

Glenn Dakin, the madman behind Hero Collector’s previous Nerd Search search-and-find titles, Ghostbusters: Eerie Errors & Suspect Ghosts and Star Trek: Quibbles with Tribbles, returns to playfully torment fans who boldly think they know it all. His fully illustrated book beams up the villainous Borg, who’ve created time-traveling Chaos Cubes that break down reality as we know it. The reader’s task is to spot the Cubes and save Picard’s mission.

Повече информация
Автор Glenn Dakin
Страници 44
Корица твърда
Език английски
Година 2024
Дата на получаване 9.01.2025 г.
Издателство Titan Books
ID на книга 20811218
ISBN 9781835412183
Категории Кино, филми, театър
Книги на английски език
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  • София / Greenwich Book Center, бул. Витоша 37
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  • София / Ciela - Книгомания / Mall Paradise, бул. Черни връх 100

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