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The Mystery of Nils. Part 1

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We all hate text books that begin with "Hello, what's your name?", don't we? "The Mystery of Nils" is a coherent story, which starts very simply, but develops into a fascinating novel. Can't stop reading? Well then ‒ you will have to learn Norwegian!

Erna Langvik gives her eight year old granddaughter a special birthday present: a doll inspired by the traditional Norwegian mythical creature "Nisse". Nils ‒ as the doll is called ‒ leads a happy life with his new family in Oslo. But due to an accident, Nils finds out that he means a lot more to Erna than just being a birthday present. Without knowing it, he has been carrying a painful secret, and during an adventurous trip to Northern Norway, he helps Erna to make one of the most important decisions of her life.

We have carefully selected the most frequently used words in the Norwegian language and made sure that the story is primarily made up of them. Separate texts and exercises focus on conversational topics that will prepare you for living in Norway.

Grammar is a headache? Not with "The Mystery of Nils". Uncover the structure of the Norwegian language with pictures, casual yet comprehensive explanations, and a lot of easy to remember examples. Repetition is the key to learning a language.

Повече информация
Автор Werner Skalla
Страници 232
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2014
Дата на получаване 8.06.2024 г.
Издателство Skapago Publishing Werner Skalla
ID на книга 29947400
ISBN 9783945174005
Категории Учебна литература и помагала
Книги на английски език
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