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The Illustrated History of Revolvers, Pistols & Submachine Guns

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29,00 лв.
58,00 лв.

This authoritative illustrated historical reference guide to military, law enforcement and antique firearms from around the globe contains the world's most important small guns. 

From the medieval hand cannon and the matchlock handgun to the Luger P08 and today's FN P90, here are famous small arms including the Colt .45, the Browning High-Power M1935, the Smith & Wesson and the Sten Machine Gun. This magnificent volume has 180 specially commissioned photographs and artworks including cutaway diagrams to show internal components and gun operation and is expertly written by leading professionals in their field. Old weapons are often objects of beautiful craftsmanship both in their workings and their ornate inlay, carvings and metalwork. Just as impressive are the sleek, light and efficient modern designs. Grouped according to country of origin, the entries focus on the salient features of each gun with a full specification, manufacturer, calibre, magazine, action, total length, barrel length, and weight unloaded together with a close-up colour photograph.

Повече информация
Автор Will Fowler, Anthony North, Charles Stonge
Страници 256
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2020
Дата на получаване 6.12.2024 г.
Издателство Anness Publishing
ID на книга 56644144
ISBN 9781782144144
Категории Въоръжение и в\/техника
Книги на английски език
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