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The Best of Roger Zelazny

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14,90 лв.
29,00 лв.
From the far reaches of space to the hidden corners of Earth, from aliens to wizards and everything in between . . .

One of the most influential SFF writers of modern times, Roger Zelazny wrote across a wide range of subgenres and themes, experimenting with form and story with mastery. He won many awards throughout his lifetime, including six Hugo awards, three Nebula awards and two Locus awards. He has inspired many of today's great SFF authors.

This new collection contains a selection of his short stories and novellas which span the depth and breadth of the human imagination.

Повече информация
Автор Roger Zelazny
Страници 304
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2023
Дата на получаване 6.12.2024 г.
Издателство Gollancz
ID на книга 56623500
Поредица SF Masterworks
ISBN 9781473235007
Категории Фантастика и фентъзи
Книги на английски език
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  • София / Greenwich Book Center, бул. Витоша 37
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