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RSPB Complete Birds of Britain and Europe

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62,00 лв.
82,00 лв.

Lavishly illustrated throughout with crystal-clear photography, this guide from The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is the essential reference for the novice and experienced birdwatcher.
Whether you are looking for a guide to help you take part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch or a bird-watching gift for friends and family, this bird watching book is essential for quick and easy bird identification of European and British birds.

This large format book starts with an extensively illustrated introduction, describing bird characteristics and behaviour. It also surveys the varied habitats in which birds may be spotted, including urban parks and gardens.

The 330 most commonly seen species are given a full-page entry in the species catalogue. See birds in their natural habitat and learn about characteristic behaviour with stunning photos showing adults in typical plumage, with male, female, juvenile, and summer or winter variations to help you identify birds quickly and easily. Colour-coded maps highlight resident and migratory distributions so you know which species of birds to expect when you are out and about. Within this bird book for adults there are key details and descriptions of rare species and accidental visitors to Britain and Europe.

The new edition of RSPB Complete Birds of Britain and Europe includes access to a free-download audio app, which features recordings of birdsong and calls for the most commonly occurring species - so that species can be identified by sound and by sight.

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Страници 512
Корица твърда
Език английски
Година 2020
Дата на получаване 9.01.2025 г.
Издателство Dorling Kindersley
ID на книга 20941270
ISBN 9780241412701
Категории Енциклопедии
Книги на английски език
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