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Marketing the Third Reich

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90,00 лв.

In this fascinating volume, Nicholas O’Shaughnessy elucidates the phenomenon of the Nazi propaganda machine via the perspective of consumer marketing, conceptualising the Reich as a product campaign

Marketing the Third Reich explores the insidious connection between a mass culture and a political movement, and how the cultures of consumption and politics influence and infect each other – consumerised politics and politicised consumption. Ultimately its concern is with the ‘engineering of consent’ – the troubling matter of how public opinion can be manufactured, and governments elected, via sophisticated methodologies of persuasion developed in the consumer economy. Nazism functioned as a brand, packaging almost everything with persuasive purpose.

Revealing obvious parallels between Adolf Hitler’s use of the living theatre of politics, and our present public–political dramaturgy, between Nazi lies and our post-truth, the book raises the chilling question: was Hitler ahead of his time? This radical, original, in-depth study will be an invaluable resource for all scholars of marketing history, political marketing, propaganda and history.

Повече информация
Автор Nicholas O`Shaughnessy
Страници 304
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2017
Дата на получаване 8.05.2024 г.
Издателство Routledge
ID на книга 29976058
ISBN 9781138060586
Категории Политика
Книги на английски език
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  • София / Greenwich Book Center, бул. Витоша 37

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