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I Remember

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Joe Brainard's I Remember is a cult classic, envied and admired by writers from Frank O'Hara to John Ashbery and Edmund White. As autobiography, Brainard's method was brilliantly simple: to set down specific memories as they rose to the surface of his consciousness, each prefaced by the refrain 'I remember'.

Fifty-two years after its original US publication in 1970, this is the first UK edition.

"In simple, forthright, declarative sentences, he charts the map of the human soul and permanently alters the way we look at the world. I Remember is both uproariously funny and deeply moving. It is also one of the few totally original books I have ever read." – Paul Auster

"I would make a case for I Remember as one of the twenty or so most important American autobiographies, important for its air of unimportance and for its mingling of cultural bric-a-brac with sexual frankness and self-revelation." – New Yorker

Повече информация
Автор Joe Brainard
Страници 204
Корица твърда
Език английски
Година 2013
Дата на получаване 8.06.2024 г.
Издателство Notting Hill Editions
ID на книга 29920357
ISBN 9781907903571
Категории Есета, пътеписи, публицистика
Книги на английски език
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