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Extraordinary Escapes

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Unique and wild getaways across the UK

Extraordinary Escapes will evoke memories of childhood holidays and reinforce the benefits of slow living, glorious natural surroundings and mindful travel, inspiring you to look closer to home for that truly special escape.

Extraordinary Escapes uncovers the hidden treasures that the UK has to offer, featuring unique and characterful holiday homes from the hit Channel 4 series, plus many more. These incredible getaways showcase England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, including some of the most stunning areas of Suffolk, Kent, the Cotswolds, Devon, Cornwall and Norfolk.

Explore amazing homes around the country, with a guide to the landscape, history and architecture of each one. Whether you're seeking a rural idyll or a remote romantic retreat, the beautifully designed and lovingly restored properties in the book include a Scottish castle, a converted lighthouse, cosy treehouses and an artist's mill.

Повече информация
Автор Gemma Bowes
Страници 224
Корица твърда
Език английски
Година 2022
Дата на получаване 6.12.2024 г.
Издателство Quadrille Publishing
ID на книга 56643862
ISBN 9781787138629
Категории Пътеводители
Книги на английски език
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