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DARK SACRED NIGHT: A Ballard and Bosch Thriller

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20,90 лв.

A murder he can't forget...

A case only she can solve.

"Outstanding" ~ Ian Rankin

Daisy Clayton's killer was never caught. In over ten years, there has been no breakthrough in her murder case.

Detective Renee Ballard has faced everything the LAPD's notorious dusk-till-dawn graveyard shift has thrown at her. But, until tonight, she'd never met Harry Bosch - an ex-homicide detective consumed by this case.

Soon, she too will become obsessed by the murder of Daisy Clayton.

Because Ballard and Bosch both know: every murder tells a story. And Daisy's case file reads like the first chapter in an untold tragedy that is still being written - one that could end with Ballard herself, if she cannot bring the truth to light...

"One of the world's greatest crime writers" ~ Daily Mail

"Crime thriller writing of the highest order" ~ Guardian

"A terrific writer with pace, style and humanity to spare" ~ The Times

"America's greatest living crime writer" ~ Daily Express

"The pre-eminent detective novelist of his generation" ~ Ian Rankin

"A master" ~ Stephen King

Повече информация
Автор Майкъл Конъли
Страници 544
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2019
Дата на получаване 5.09.2020 г.
Издателство Orion
ID на книга 56628274
ISBN 9781409182740
Категории Трилъри и криминални романи
Книги на английски език
Промоция на книги на английски език
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  • Пловдив / Хобит – ул. 11 август № 3

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