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Cher: The Memoir, Part One (Trade Paperback)

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Cher: The Memoir reveals the daughter, the sister, the wife, the lover, the mother and the superstar.
It is a life too immense for only one book.
With her trademark honesty and humour , Cher: The Memoir traces how this diamond in the rough succeeded with no plan and little confidence to become the trailblazing superstar the world has been unable to ignore for more than half a century.

There is only one Cher and for seven decades she has been showing us why. Cher holds the attention of the world with her voice, her acting, her style, her wit and her unstoppable spirit. Now, for the first time, she tells her story in her own voice – as honest as it is hilarious, as powerful as it is perceptive.

Cher’s childhood was anything but normal. As her mother Georgia – blessed with movie-star looks and a knockout voice – moved them around the country over and again in the hope of finding fame, her school life wasn’t straightforward. But she always knew she was going to be somebody when she grew up.

Cher’s powerful instinct to keep moving eventually landed her in the arms of Sonny Bono. The duo became famous beyond their wildest dreams, from humble beginnings singing backup in Phil Spector’s studio through to pop stardom as Sonny and Cher, and then on to the television show that made them household names. But as time passed, fame changed the dynamic of their relationship and Cher evolved from a wide-eyed teenager into a woman. She started fighting for herself, breaking away from Sonny’s control – and realising that things were not as they seemed. Cher: The Memoir, Part One follows her extraordinary beginnings through childhood to meeting and marrying Sonny Bono – and reveals the highly complicated relationship that made them world-famous, but eventually drove them apart.

Повече информация
Автор Cher
Страници 480
Корица мека
Език английски
Година 2024
Дата на получаване 6.12.2024 г.
ID на книга 20425535
ISBN 9780008355357
Категории Биографии
Книги на английски език
Нови книги
Книги на английски език – бестселъри 2024
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